Arjen Deij

Arjen Deij is working for the ETF since 1995, as a senior expert on qualifications systems. He has worked in Higher Education and in Vocational Education and Training. He led the ETF work on occupational standards in the late nineties. He was a member of the EQF expert working group and the EQF Advisory Group. He has been directly involved in the development of the qualifications framework in Romania, England, Wales and Northern Ireland (on secondment from ETF at QCA) and has been working in supporting the reform of qualifications systems in a number of partner countries Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Ukraine.
He has been following qualifications framework developments internationally for many years and has published regularly about them. You can follow his work through the ETF’s Qualifications Platform, a community of more than 750 experts involved in the reform of qualifications systems.