Eduarda Castel Branco
Working in the ETF since 2003, Eduarda Castel-Branco currently coordinates the activities of the network on skills matching of the Eastern Partnership, run under the work programme 2014-2017 of the Eastern Partnership. Contributed to development of the series of methodological guides on skills anticipation and matching, a joint initiative of Cedefop-ETF-ILO, with focus on the guide on tracer studies and the guide on sector-based anticipation. In Armenia initiated capacity building on methods for vacancy monitoring and qualitative analysis of skills needs of employers. Contributed to implement the FRAME project (foresight) in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and quality assure the outputs.
Eduarda Castel-Branco has been active in country-specific projects and in thematic operations (employment and qualifications), managed ETF activities in countries of the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood (notably: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Morocco), and in candidate countries (former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia).
Provided extensive expertise to develop EU sector support programmes / budget support (VET and employment) in Georgia (2008 and 2013), and in Morocco (2014-2015).
In 2015-2016 Eduarda leads ETF support to the Moroccan NQF (institutions and qualifications); led ETF support to successful EQF Referencing of the NQF of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; provides expert support to preparation of EQF referencing of the NQFs of Serbia and Albania; coordinates ETF support to build arrangements for validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL) in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and the EU VNFIL Inventory in Serbia.
Eduarda was a policy officer in Directorate General Education and Culture of the European Commission.
Since 2013 is ETF representative in the Advisory Group of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).