Validation of non-formal and informal learning
What is it? It is a process of confirmation by an authorised body that an individual has acquired learning outcomes measured against a relevant standard.
(Council of the EU Recommendation, 2012)
To know more about the validation, please consult the EU Council Recommendations of 20 December 2012 on the validation of non-formal and informal learning (2012/C 398/01):
To go through the self-assessment tool on validation of informal and non-formal learning, please click here.
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Recognition of foreign qualifications
What is it? It is a formal acknowledgement by a competent authority of the value of a foreign educational qualification, with a view to access to educational and/or employment activities.
(Lisbon Convention, 1997)
To know more about the recognition, please consult the Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region:
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